Home of the Dragons
Mission & Vision
Mission Statement
The mission of P.S. 398 Queens is to partner with parents and the members in our community to prepare our diverse population of students to become lifelong learners in a nurturing, and safe environment with high expectations developing independent, responsible, confident, and compassionate citizens contributing to global society.
Vision Statement
At P.S. 398, Queens our students L. E. A. R. N. in a nurturing environment to develop their own academic and artistic abilities. Our students respect diversity and understand that they each have strengths that empower them to strive in the real world and achieve life goals. Students are leaders of their learning and take intellectual risks through a project-based approach to learning that encourages students to think critically, develop creativity and collaborate daily. Students make connections between every day classroom experiences that prepare them to be successful in the ever- changing world of the 21st century.
Calendar Events
Student of the Month Assembly
Visit our School Dojo for more information!
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Fridays with Fitzgerald (Virtual)
Please visit our Dojo for more information!
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Celebrating Kindness/Be an Ally (Wear Red or Pink)
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Respect for All Week
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Respect for Diversity,Disability, Religious Acceptance and Racial Diversity (Cultural Attire)
Fridays with Mr. Fitzgerald
Read and find out what exciting things were shared during Fridays with Mr. Fitzgerald. Check our school calendar to join our next Fridays with Mr. Fitzgerald.